All files / src/storage/get-file getters.ts

50% Statements 40/80
33.33% Branches 13/39
80% Functions 4/5
50.63% Lines 40/79

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import { publicKeyToBase58Address, verifyECDSA } from 'micro-stacks/crypto';
import { arrayBufferToUint8, fetchPrivate, utf8ToBytes } from 'micro-stacks/common';
import { SIGNATURE_FILE_SUFFIX } from '../common/constants';
import {
} from '../gaia/errors';
import { getFullReadUrl } from '../gaia/hub';
import { lookupProfile } from '../lookup-profile';
import type { GaiaHubConfig } from '../gaia/types';
import type { GetFileOptions, GetFileUrlOptions } from '../common/types';
 * Fetch the public read URL of a user file for the specified app.
 * @param {String} path - the path to the file to read
 * @param {String} username - The Blockstack ID of the user to look up
 * @param {String} appOrigin - The app origin
 * @param {String} [zoneFileLookupURL=null] - The URL
 * to use for zonefile lookup. If falsey, this will use the
 * blockstack.js's [[getNameInfo]] function instead.
 * @return {Promise<string>} that resolves to the public read URL of the file
 * or rejects with an error
export async function getUserAppFileUrl(
  path: string,
  username: string,
  appOrigin: string,
  zoneFileLookupURL?: string
): Promise<string | undefined> {
  const profile = await lookupProfile({ username, zoneFileLookupURL });
  let bucketUrl: string | undefined;
  Iif (!profile) return;
  if (profile.hasOwnProperty('apps')) {
    if (profile.apps.hasOwnProperty(appOrigin)) {
      const url = profile.apps[appOrigin];
      const bucket = url.replace(/\/?(\?|#|$)/, '/$1');
      bucketUrl = `${bucket}${path}`;
  } else IEif (profile.hasOwnProperty('appsMeta')) {
    Iif (profile.appsMeta.hasOwnProperty(appOrigin)) {
      const url = profile.appsMeta[appOrigin];
      const bucket = url.replace(/\/?(\?|#|$)/, '/$1');
      bucketUrl = `${bucket}${path}`;
  return bucketUrl;
 * Get the URL for reading a file from an app's data store.
 * @param {String} path - the path to the file to read
 * @param {GetFileUrlOptions} options - the options
 * @returns {Promise<string>} that resolves to the URL or rejects with an error
export async function getFileUrl(
  path: string,
  options: GetFileUrlOptions & { gaiaHubConfig: GaiaHubConfig }
): Promise<string> {
  let readUrl: string | undefined;
  if (options.username) {
    readUrl = await getUserAppFileUrl(
  } else {
    readUrl = await getFullReadUrl(path, options.gaiaHubConfig);
  Iif (!readUrl) {
    throw new Error('Missing readURL');
  } else {
    return readUrl;
 * Get the gaia address used for servicing multiplayer reads for the given
 * (username, app) pair.
 * @private
 * @ignore
export async function getGaiaAddress(options: {
  app: string;
  gaiaHubConfig?: GaiaHubConfig;
  username?: string;
  zoneFileLookupURL?: string;
}): Promise<string> {
  const { app, username, zoneFileLookupURL, gaiaHubConfig } = options;
  let fileUrl: string | undefined;
  Iif (username) {
    fileUrl = await getUserAppFileUrl('/', username!, app, zoneFileLookupURL);
  } else if (gaiaHubConfig) {
    fileUrl = await getFullReadUrl('/', gaiaHubConfig);
  const matches = /([13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{26,35})/.exec(fileUrl!);
  Iif (!matches) {
    throw new Error('Failed to parse gaia address');
  return matches[matches.length - 1];
 * Handle fetching the contents from a given path. Handles both
 * multi-player reads and reads from own storage.
 * @private
 * @ignore
export async function getFileContents(options: {
  path: string;
  app: string;
  username: string | undefined;
  zoneFileLookupURL?: string;
  forceText: boolean;
  gaiaHubConfig: GaiaHubConfig;
}): Promise<string | Uint8Array | null> {
  const { path, forceText, app, username, zoneFileLookupURL, gaiaHubConfig } = options;
  const readUrl = await getFileUrl(path, {
  const response = await fetchPrivate(readUrl);
  Iif (!response.ok) {
    throw await getBlockstackErrorFromResponse(response, `getFile ${path} failed.`, null);
  let contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type');
  if (typeof contentType === 'string') {
    contentType = contentType.toLowerCase();
  if (
    forceText ||
    contentType === null ||
    contentType.startsWith('text') ||
  ) {
    return response.text();
  } else E{
    const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
    return arrayBufferToUint8(arrayBuffer);
 * Handle fetching an unencrypted file, its associated signature
 * and then validate it. Handles both multi-player reads and reads
 * from own storage.
 * @private
 * @ignore
export async function getFileSignedUnencrypted(path: string, options: GetFileOptions) {
  const { app, username, zoneFileLookupURL, gaiaHubConfig } = options;
  // future optimization note:
  //    in the case of _multi-player_ reads, this does a lot of excess
  //    profile lookups to figure out where to read files
  //    do browsers cache all these requests if Content-Cache is set?
  const sigPath = `${path}${SIGNATURE_FILE_SUFFIX}`;
  try {
    const [fileContents, signatureContents, gaiaAddress] = await Promise.all([
        app: app!,
        forceText: false,
        path: sigPath,
        app: app!,
        forceText: true,
        app: app!,
    Iif (!fileContents) {
      return fileContents;
    Iif (!gaiaAddress) {
      throw new SignatureVerificationError(
        'Failed to get gaia address for verification of: ' + `${path}`
    Iif (!signatureContents || typeof signatureContents !== 'string') {
      throw new SignatureVerificationError(
        'Failed to obtain signature for file: ' +
          `${path} -- looked in ${path}${SIGNATURE_FILE_SUFFIX}`
    let signature: string;
    let publicKey: string;
    try {
      const sigObject = JSON.parse(signatureContents);
      signature = sigObject.signature;
      publicKey = sigObject.publicKey;
    } catch (err) {
      if (err instanceof SyntaxError) {
        throw new Error(
          'Failed to parse signature content JSON ' +
            `(path: ${path}${SIGNATURE_FILE_SUFFIX})` +
            ' The content may be corrupted.'
      } else {
        throw err;
    const signerAddress = publicKeyToBase58Address(publicKey);
    const msgHash = typeof fileContents === 'string' ? utf8ToBytes(fileContents) : fileContents;
    const verified = verifyECDSA({ signature, contents: msgHash, publicKey });
    if (gaiaAddress !== signerAddress) {
      throw new SignatureVerificationError(
        `Signer pubkey address (${signerAddress}) doesn't` + ` match gaia address (${gaiaAddress})`
    } else if (!verified) {
      throw new SignatureVerificationError(
        'Contents do not match ECDSA signature: ' +
          `path: ${path}, signature: ${path}${SIGNATURE_FILE_SUFFIX}`
    } else {
      return fileContents;
  } catch (err) {
    // For missing .sig files, throw `SignatureVerificationError` instead of `DoesNotExist` error.
    if (err instanceof DoesNotExist && err.message.indexOf(sigPath) >= 0) {
      throw new SignatureVerificationError(
        'Failed to obtain signature for file: ' +
          `${path} -- looked in ${path}${SIGNATURE_FILE_SUFFIX}`
    } else {
      throw err;