All files / src/transactions/common constants.ts

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Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { TransactionVersion } from 'micro-stacks/common';
export const CLARITY_INT_BYTE_SIZE = 16;
export const DEFAULT_CORE_NODE_API_URL = '';
 * How a transaction should get appended to the Stacks blockchain.
 * In the Stacks blockchain, there are two kinds of blocks: anchored
 * blocks and streaming microblocks. A transactions AnchorMode specifies
 * which kind of block it should be included in.
 * For more information about the kinds of Stacks blocks and the various
 * AnchorModes, check out {@link SIP 001} and
 * {@link SIP 005}
export enum AnchorMode {
  /** The transaction MUST be included in an anchored block */
  OnChainOnly = 0x01,
  /** The transaction MUST be included in a microblock */
  OffChainOnly = 0x02,
  /** The leader can choose where to include the transaction (anchored block or microblock)*/
  Any = 0x03,
export const DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_VERSION = TransactionVersion.Mainnet;
export enum PostConditionMode {
  Allow = 0x01,
  Deny = 0x02,
export enum PostConditionType {
  STX = 0x00,
  Fungible = 0x01,
  NonFungible = 0x02,
export enum AuthType {
  Standard = 0x04,
  Sponsored = 0x05,
export enum AddressHashMode {
  // serialization modes for public keys to addresses.
  // We support four different modes due to legacy compatibility with Stacks v1 addresses:
  /** SingleSigHashMode - hash160(public-key), same as bitcoin's p2pkh */
  SerializeP2PKH = 0x00,
  /** MultiSigHashMode - hash160(multisig-redeem-script), same as bitcoin's multisig p2sh */
  SerializeP2SH = 0x01,
  /** SingleSigHashMode - hash160(segwit-program-00(p2pkh)), same as bitcoin's p2sh-p2wpkh */
  SerializeP2WPKH = 0x02,
  /** MultiSigHashMode - hash160(segwit-program-00(public-keys)), same as bitcoin's p2sh-p2wsh */
  SerializeP2WSH = 0x03,
export type SingleSigHashMode = AddressHashMode.SerializeP2PKH | AddressHashMode.SerializeP2WPKH;
export type MultiSigHashMode = AddressHashMode.SerializeP2SH | AddressHashMode.SerializeP2WSH;
export enum AddressVersion {
  MainnetSingleSig = 22,
  MainnetMultiSig = 20,
  TestnetSingleSig = 26,
  TestnetMultiSig = 21,
export enum PubKeyEncoding {
  Compressed = 0x00,
  Uncompressed = 0x01,
export enum FungibleConditionCode {
  Equal = 0x01,
  Greater = 0x02,
  GreaterEqual = 0x03,
  Less = 0x04,
  LessEqual = 0x05,
export enum NonFungibleConditionCode {
  DoesNotOwn = 0x10,
  Owns = 0x11,
export enum AssetType {
  STX = 0x00,
  Fungible = 0x01,
  NonFungible = 0x02,
export enum TxRejectedReason {
  Serialization = 'Serialization',
  Deserialization = 'Deserialization',
  SignatureValidation = 'SignatureValidation',
  FeeTooLow = 'FeeTooLow',
  BadNonce = 'BadNonce',
  NotEnoughFunds = 'NotEnoughFunds',
  NoSuchContract = 'NoSuchContract',
  NoSuchPublicFunction = 'NoSuchPublicFunction',
  BadFunctionArgument = 'BadFunctionArgument',
  ContractAlreadyExists = 'ContractAlreadyExists',
  PoisonMicroblocksDoNotConflict = 'PoisonMicroblocksDoNotConflict',
  PoisonMicroblockHasUnknownPubKeyHash = 'PoisonMicroblockHasUnknownPubKeyHash',
  PoisonMicroblockIsInvalid = 'PoisonMicroblockIsInvalid',
  BadAddressVersionByte = 'BadAddressVersionByte',
  NoCoinbaseViaMempool = 'NoCoinbaseViaMempool',
  ServerFailureNoSuchChainTip = 'ServerFailureNoSuchChainTip',
  ServerFailureDatabase = 'ServerFailureDatabase',
  ServerFailureOther = 'ServerFailureOther',